1. Diploma of the Highest Level of Education Obtained:
(1)Applicants expecting to graduate this year must submit an official document issued by their school as a substitute for a diploma in proceeding with the application. Upon arrival to Nankai, students must provide their original diploma and a notarized Report of Certification in Chinese or English for verification. If any inconsistencies are noted, they will be grounds for disqualification of admission;
(2)A Report of Certification of the diploma of the highest level of education obtained that is accepted by Nankai University can be obtained through one of the following methods:
A. Report of Certification from the International Student Services Center of the Education Ministry of China
Limited to degrees obtained outside of Mainland China.
B. Report of Certification from the Academic Degree Center of the Education Ministry of China
Limited to degrees obtained within Mainland China or its territories.
C. Notarized Translation of Report of Certification in Chinese or English as Provided by an Official Certification Institution
D. Report of Certification in Chinese or English as Provided by a Foreign Embassy or the Chinese Embassy
Personal Statement
基本信息 Personal Information | |||
护照姓名 Passport Name |
| 护照号码 Passport No. |
目前是否在中国境内 Within Chinese territory or not | £是(YES) £否(NO) | 是否接受线上授课 Whether accept online instruction or not | £是(YES) £否(NO) |
申请陈述 Statement for Application | |||
| |||
成绩和业绩(必填项,只填写最高学历) Grade and Achievement (Required Fields,Highest Diploma only) | |||
请填写原始GPA和原始GPA分制 | |||
请填写转换后的4分制的GPA分值 | |||
请填写平均成绩,并说明评分体系 | |||
请填写成绩排名/总人数 | |||
请列出曾获荣誉、奖项、特殊贡献或发表的论文、专著。对于论文或专著,请提供完整的引文: | |||
个人声明(必填项) Personal Declaration(Required Fields) | |||
1、你是否曾被留校察看、停学、退学或接受处分? Have you ever been placed on probation,suspended,expelled or disciplined by any universities or institutions? 如果是,请解释/If yes, please explain. | |||
2、你是否曾因任何犯罪被定罪(或现在正在针对你进行任何指控)? 如果是,请解释/If yes, please explain. | |||
我承诺个人陈述中的信息真实准确,由我本人独立完成。我知晓如有虚假不实信息,将被南开大学取消申请、录取及学习资格。 I promise that the information in my personal statement is true and accurate, and I completed it independently. I understand that if there is any false information, Nankai University will cancel my application, admission and study qualifications.
签名/Signature _____________________ 时间/Date ___________________ |
Please print this form and sign it, then scan it into a PDF file and upload it to the application system.
Letter of Recommendation
for International students of Nankai University
推荐学生基本信息 Personal Information of the Student | ||||||
中文姓名 Chinese Name |
| 护照姓名 Passport Name |
| 国籍 Nationality |
| |
性别 Gender |
| 护照号码 Passport No. |
| 出生日期 Date of Birth |
| |
所在学校 Current School |
| |||||
推荐人基本信息 Personal Information of the Person Issuing the Recommendation | ||||||
姓名 Full Name |
| 工作单位 Work Place |
| 职务 Position |
| |
电话 Phone No. |
| 邮箱 E-mail Address |
| |||
推荐理由 Recommendation Reasons | ||||||
该同学在同年级的学业综合排名为: 名,同年级学生人数为: 名,该同学学业综合表现占前百分之 (精确到小数点后两位)。 The student’s integrated academic grade ranking is: ;the number of students in the grade is: ;the comprehensive academic performance of the student accounts for the top percent (accurate to two decimal places). 注:中国境内中学,同年级排名基数为全体外国留学生;海外中学,排名基数为同年级全体学生。 Remark: The ranking base of the domestic high schools is all foreign students in the grade; the ranking base of overseas high schools is all students of the grade. | ||||||
请从学生学业成绩、个人品行、综合素质、学术潜能、志趣抱负等方面,填写推荐理由 (可另附页) Please write the recommendation reasons from the aspects of students' academic achievements, personal conduct, comprehensive quality, academic potential, aspiration, etc. (use a separate page if necessary)
| ||||||
签名/Signature _____________________ 时间/Date ___________________ |
此担保书意在表明本人完全有能力并愿意支持 在中国学习期间的任何经济上的需要,本人的资助包他(她)在学习期间的学费,日常生活费以及国际旅行费用。
ThisisaletterofourintentiontoindicatethatIhavefinancialcapabilityandare willingtosupport ,during his/herstayinChinatopursuestudyingandforwhateverhe/she mayneedfinancially.My supportwillincludehis/hertuitionfees, livingcostsandtravelexpenses.